Fast forward another six years, and she's the sweetest lap cat ever! She sleeps right between us or on top of one of us. If one of us is on the couch, she's right there on lap, chest, leg, arm or whatever she can balance on. She's got amazing balance.
Anyway, here's the deal with Sister. She attracts nicknames like no other pet I've ever had. Here's the evolution of her main nicknames:
Sister > Thither > Thirthy > Nernie > Noonie (this is her base nickname)
Noonie became Noonevah, Noonster, Noonalicious, Noonacious, Noonie-Loo, Noonska, Noonskaya and Noonskayavich. (Also Lula, Lulabelle, Loolie, Loolicious, etc.)
Also, when we watch the Tour de France, she picks up nicknames of international teams and riders. In the past, we've called her Banesto, Once and Fofanov. This year, her newest nickname is Noonskaltel Noonskadi.
You might hear us call her Luigi Jr. or Ira P. Quadafo (a nickname my niece made up many years ago and had nothing to do with Noonie). The nicknames keep coming and there are always more to be invented.
What are your favorite pet nicknames?